JoomISP for Joomla 5 Update & Christmas Discount 2024

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For Christmas 2024 we have thought of something special for you regarding JoomISP, in addition to the recent updates for Joomla 5, we will now also release the main component for the JoomISP Basic Packages again.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you today for the great cooperation in 2024 and look forward to working together in 2025.

XSS Vulnerability Hacker

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Last few weeks I have been very active in the Joomla! Community.
I provided several sessions in the JUG Online Group, also in Facebook channels and the Joomla! Forum the users saw me.

In the upcoming week I´m also on the JoomlaDay in Gießen.

But also the development of Joomla! I am already looking forward to and have also made first tests with my extensions.

Software Development

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Today we want to give you an insight into our JoomISP Development.

This article show the tools of the development process such as Project Management, Versioning, Development Environment, Continuous Integration & Deployment.
In the associated Medialekt Blog we go to the base, the local Joomla! Development Installations & Server Technology with Docker Container.

Joomla 3.7.5 - InterNetX - JoomISP

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Before few weeks we released the first Domain Registrar Plugin for InterNetworX and so far we recognized no problems, so we spent our time in developing the next Plugin for the Registrar InterNetX.

But not just a new Plugin was developed, the JoomISP Component itself and various Extensions to it got updates.

Also we have worked intensive on this Homepage, so there is a test form for the new InterNetX Plugin and you will find a reworked documentation.

Joomla Update 3.6.3

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Before few hours a new Version from CMS Joomla! was released. According to the Release News on more than 350 optimizations could be solved with this release.

So far JoomISP seems working with this Joomla! Please give a feedback to if you see errors!
The Demo Version is already running on current Joomla! 3.6.3.

Time 2 Update

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The Content Management System Joomla! version 3.6.0 was released last week with a few optimizations and new features.

There was some deep changes in the Joomla! Upgrade so we had to modify according the new requirements the JoomISP component and its plugins.

Please do also a Update for the Server Control Panel Plugins on an upgrade to Joomla! 3.6, if you use such ones!


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