Today we released a new JoomISP Update with some interesting News of the Joomla! Webhoster Extension JoomISP for you.
Last Joomla! 3.8.5 Update
After the last Joomla! Update some problems specifically with the Joomla! Routing System, we could now no longer notice problems with the version 3.8.5.
Probably there will be an update in the not too distant future, but so far it does not concern the cooperation with JoomISP anymore.
Read all Changes to Joomla! 3.8.5 on:
JoomISP 2.2.5 & Plugins
The main component has been further revised, so the handling was optimized for uninstalled Plugins significantly, so ugly or cryptic errors should be less.
A new helper class also detects deactivated Plugins. For this purpose, smaller fixes were implemented by the large Joomla! 3 Frontend optimizations.
The Progress Module has also been revised and can now read the new Frontend User States correctly.
The ISPConfig, LiveConfig and cPanel Plugins were revised from the Server Control Panel Plugins. The first two have now been tested with the latest Control Panel versions.
Read all Information on JoomISP Product sites!
JoomISP Easter Update 2018
On this year Easter you can already be curious, we will try again to meet some user requests.
Without giving too much away, we take a look at the new Custom Fields and a much better JoomISP Update process for you ...