Due to the numerous and extensive configuration possibilities of the Webservers, Control Panels and the Joomla! installations as well as Extensions, it is not possible for us to check all variants and operate test servers.
The following requirements are largely determined by our own tests, but also by feedback from customers.
If a Plugin that you use is not listed here, functions can be confirmed by you, or if you discover a bug on these tables, please write a message. For your assistance, we will add additional months to your existing account depending on the topic.


Apache 2.2

Apache 2.4

Shows a WhoIS query and send the Domain to the main component.
Add new clients into AcyMailing lists as configured in the Package.
Add new clients and the order in gSales.
Shows the invoices in the client area.

create accounts with one click

own certificates

reseller accounts


create accounts with one click

own certificates

reseller accounts


create accounts with one click

own certificates

reseller accounts


create accounts with one click

own certificates

reseller accounts


create accounts with one click

own certificates

reseller accounts

The WhoIS Module requires the jQuery libraries loaded from your Template!
You need a AcyMailing installed in your Joomla!
For automatic campagnes a corresponding version is required!
the plugin requires a working gSales installation.

Errors on NGINX servers known!

Plesk 17.5.3

ISPConfig 3.1.13

LiveConfig 2.5.3


i-MSCP 1.1

i-MSCP > 1.1 because API changes not possible but in work!