According to the official Joomla! Roadmap is the next update on Joomla! 3.7 shortly before:…/relea…/5692-road-to-joomla-3-7.html
That is why I have tested today a first Beta update over the "Joomla! Update" component in the JoomISP Demo.
First results with JoomISP on Joomla! 3.7.0b3
The JoomISP Demo was yesterday with Joomla! 3.7.0b3 on the road. The update process ran without errors. Also in the backend, the first clicks showed no malfunctions. In the frontend, an order process could be carried out as expected. What is striking is that probably the SEO URLs are no longer represented as before. If you had targeted menu entries for clean URLs with the current Joomla! still disappointed. On Joomla! Router is however obviously still working, it is thus nothing which has to do with JoomISP.
Also domains was queried correctly and passed to the Webhosting Package, thus the component. As far as the first tests from our side.
Who of you has also made tests or it has before ... of course we are glad about your feedbacks and results in the Forum.
New Product Portfolio
The JoomISP Product Area has been completely reworked. Here is the Joomla! Extension MB2 Portfolio 2 by Mariusz Bołoz in action. Finally, the pagination sequence of the projects themselves also match with the sequence of the project overview.
Here you can always see the current state of the respective extension, also you can quickly Download or switch to the Documentation.
New FAQ Area
On the homepage, we have a new FAQ section in the main menu, in which we have the most important facts about JoomISP and its Joomla! Extensions.
Especially at the first point regarding the requirements I would like to ask you for your help. If you use JoomISP or a Plugin, which works as described or not, or is not listed, please give a short feedback to or in the forum!
We will be glad to reward you with additional months depending on the scope and importance, which will be credited to your existing account.