And again soon, Christmas and the turn of the year are just around the corner.
It seems to me that time goes by faster with increasing age?
Reason for us, to give it a go again and to inform you about the latest topics.
Joomla! Updates to Version 2.9.1 & PHP Versions
Since the last post in the meantime 2 new Joomla! Versions 3.9.0 and 3.9.1 was released. Both did not let us detect any problems with JoomISP.
A very big step was our last work deep in the JoomISP core, so now also higher PHP Versions like 7.1 and 7.2 are supported.
Especially for this we will do some more tests and we need your help to cover the widest possible range of PHP Versions and PHP Extension possibilities.
Please send us your unusual information so that we can make JoomISP even better together!
New JoomISP Plugins
Thanks to new Customer orders, we have 2 new Plugins in the JoomISP Portfolio.
With the RoTLD Plugin also ordered domains can now be registered with the romanian Domain Registrar RoTLD.
The Mollie Plugin extends the JoomISP ordering process with another Payment Service Provider, which independently provides several payment methods.
Also remaining Plugins, which are included in our price tables, now have own Product Pages and you can even better evaluate the combination of Server Control Panel, Domain Registrar, Marketing methods and Payment Service Provider is optimal for you.
Useful Joomla! Extensions from Medialekt
From time to time we were already asked, if there is any way to disable the User Registration of JoomISP. Certainly, some JoomISP installations will be online, which are currently dependent on this.
Today I want to present you my latest Joomla! Extension with name User Changer. Thus, immediately after the User Registration, the User could be deleted again with the next cronjob run and no user corps will accumulate.
However, the JoomISP Users can also be added or changed through further Access Levels after a period of time, which means that flexible access pages can be created.
Find all information and available function on:
Complete revised and optimized JoomISP Website
Over the past few weeks, we've been working hard on this site, unifying all product pages, adding new screenshots and usefull information like API or other code dependencies, so you know basic facts about.
Since the JoomISP Forum emerged rather as an additional Support Channel, we also decided to include important content directly in the Ddocumentation and to close the Forum.
We also want to convert the Showcase Area into a separate Customer Area on these pages, if you would like to present your JoomISP Website here as well, just write us a few facts, pictures & screenshots.
Also, the support contact form has been revised, so you can now also provide important support information.
Christmas Discount Code 2018
Like every year, we would like to give you a little joy for Christmas and present you a 20% Discount Code for the JoomISP Extended Package.
As always, you will find the code on the start and product pages.
At this point, we would like to thank all of you for the pleasant cooperation, wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019.