This Saturday, October 03, 2020 is "German Unity Day". We would like to give you a new discount code, with which you can save money.
We were able to release some updates in the last days, also the download area is being optimized.
30% Discount Code for ALL
You can use on 03.10.2020 the Code G3RM4NY over the complete day for ALL Products sold via Digistore24 like:
The discount code is also valid for the first month of ALL subscription models, with which you can save a lot of money from the 2nd month on!
JoomISP & Extension Updates
During the last weeks we were very busy and could update JoomISP and many Plugins. Especially due to the new functions of our Extension Creator Joomla! Extension, many processes are now much easier, so that updates can be provided even faster and more effectively.
More updates will follow in the coming weeks to include all Extensions to the new deployment process.
New JoomISP Download-Area
The old Download area is still accessible, it only showed a list of available Downloads and a download button depending on permissions.
Older downloads could still be accessed via the old Phoca Download button.
It has a search function and you can jump directly to the Extensions, where you can find the Description, Requirements, the Changelog and the documentation. The download button will also appear here depending on your authorization.
Older Downloads are linked in the Changelog.