Project Leader, Webdesign, Marketing, Development & Support
I lead my company Medialekt since 1999. Especially in the last years I specialized mainly in web design, web programming and server administration.
With JoomISP I had my first contact in 2012 as I tried to offer webhosting on my Joomla! Homepage. Jonas Brand gaven me good support here and I quickly realized the potential of the Extension, especially with regard to my other activities such as web hosting and server administration.
Other projects of mine are e.g. JooWI Online & Digistore Connect.
JooWI Online and the Hosting Version JooWI are Joomla! based enterprise solutions for managing all Contacts, Articles & Services, and Actions such as Quotes and Invoices. The extension was built in 2010 for personal use and is since actively developed by Norbert and myself.
Digistore Connect is also a Joomla! Extension which connect the affiliate and payment service provider Digistore24 with Joomla! This makes it possible to sell highly automated Digital Services such as time-dependent Memberships.
Private I run several blogs, most recently I deal with the topic of Home Technic & Automation. Furthermore, I am a passionate runner and swimmer and therefore happy with family & dog in nature.